Kindle Cases

One item that you really do require if you have a Kindle is a nice protective cover which also makes your Kindle easier to use, I would not be without mine.

I came across a great little company in Bournemouth that make some beautifully crafted covers for Kindles and iPads, which are all hand made in various colours and can be posted to any country.

Click here to find out more about Darwin cases

I stumbled across Darwin as they follow me on my Twitter page 

I have only recently started using Twitter and to be honest I wondered what all the fuss was all about. I now find it a very useful marketing and contact  media tool and it is far simpler to use than Facebook, which I find is more geared to just social use.

You also get followers a lot quicker, but do not just add people randomly as I did at the start. If you do follow someone new it is a good idea to re-tweet some of their informative tweets, which will encourage them to follow you back.

Most of the people I follow tend to be in the literary world, so I get tweets about new novels, tips and advice. We also help each other promote our books and services, which is an added bonus.

I also follow and get followers with an interest in France seeing my novel is set there. I have also started using Twitter  for my  advertising site French Classified.

If you are in business and are a little confused by social marketing there are some great people out there who can help you. Jo Harrison is a virtual assistant and social media manager. As I have said it is a great marketing and contact tool, I have already had a radio interview with Doni from Girls Guide to Paris and a some reviews on Vantastic France, through using Twitter for a very short time.

About Steve Bichard

I run French Classified and Property
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2 Responses to Kindle Cases

  1. Steph says:

    My daughter made me my Kindle case! It’s not quite as classy as your one, admittedly, but it was lovingly and painstakingly made for me so it’s very precious.
    Like you, I was a Twitter sceptic initially but I now think it’s a brilliant tool. I’ve met lots of interesting people, learned a lot and got some good promotion through it.

  2. That was so nice of her Steph, they don’t come cheap either.
    I am sort of getting what Twitter is all about now and I am sure I could do more with automated applications which some people use.

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